import os import re import random import imageHandling from collections import namedtuple from typing import Any, List, Dict from imageHandling import Color as Color from imageHandling import Image as Image import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) CREST_WIDTH = 17 CREST_HEIGHT = 20 BG_COLOR = Color(124, 139, 150, 255) Vector = namedtuple('Vector', 'x, y') class ColorShades: def __init__(self, light: Color, medium: Color, dark: Color): self.light = light self.medium = medium self.dark = dark ColorSet = [ColorShades, ColorShades, ColorShades, ColorShades] class ShieldData: def __init__(self, color: Image, shade: Image, charge: Image): self.color = color self.shade = shade self.charge = charge class ChargeData: def __init__(self, color: Image, shade: Image): self.color = color self.shade = shade class ChargeSpaceData: def __init__(self, start: Vector, end: Vector, color: Color): self.start = start self.end = end self.color = color class ShadedColor: def __init__(self, color_shades: ColorShades, shade_value: Color, is_empty: bool): self.color_shades = color_shades self.shade_value = shade_value self.is_empty = is_empty class ShadeableImage: def __init__(self, width: int, height: int): self.width = width self.height = height default_value = ShadedColor(ColorShades(Color.clear(), Color.clear(), Color.clear()), Color.clear(), True) = [[default_value for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)] def __str__(self): return "ShadeableImage(%s, %s)" % (self.width, self.height) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def get(self, x: int, y: int) -> ShadedColor: return[y][x] def set(self, x: int, y: int, shaded_color: ShadedColor) -> 'ShadeableImage': if type(shaded_color) != ShadedColor: raise ValueError('shaded_color is not of type ShadedColor')[y][x] = shaded_color return self def cut_out(self, offset_x: int, offset_y: int, width: int, height: int) -> 'ShadeableImage': if offset_x < 0 or offset_x >= self.width: raise ValueError("start_x is out of bounds") if offset_y < 0 or offset_y >= self.height: raise ValueError("start_y is out of bounds") result = ShadeableImage(width, height) for y in range(height): for x in range(width): result.set(x, y, self.get(x + offset_x, y + offset_y)) return result def set_range(self, offset_x: int, offset_y: int, image: 'ShadeableImage', operation=lambda x, y: y) -> 'ShadeableImage': if offset_x < 0 or offset_x >= self.width: raise ValueError("start_x is out of bounds") if offset_y < 0 or offset_y >= self.height: raise ValueError("start_y is out of bounds") for y in range(image.height): for x in range(image.width): self.set(x + offset_x, y + offset_y, operation(self.get(x, y), image.get(x, y))) return self def fill(self, shaded_color: ShadedColor) -> 'ShadeableImage': for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): self.set(x, y, shaded_color) return self def flip_horizontal(self) -> 'ShadeableImage': image = ShadeableImage(self.width, self.height) for x in range(self.width): for y in range(self.height): image.set(x, y, self.get(self.width - x - 1, y)) = return self def to_image(self) -> Image: result = Image(self.width, self.height) for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): data = self.get(x, y) if data.is_empty: result.set(x, y, BG_COLOR) else: result.set(x, y, get_color_from_shade(data.color_shades, data.shade_value)) return result COLORS = [ [Color(189, 0, 0, 255), Color(166, 4, 4, 255), Color(141, 3, 3, 255)], # red [Color(0, 75, 25, 255), Color(0, 64, 30, 255), Color(0, 46, 28, 255)], # green [Color(0, 54, 135, 255), Color(0, 35, 105, 255), Color(0, 28, 84, 255)], # blue [Color(0, 153, 213, 255), Color(18, 131, 195, 255), Color(15, 100, 164, 255)], # light blue [Color(28, 28, 28, 255), Color(14, 14, 14, 255), Color(0, 0, 0, 255)], # black # [Color(76, 26, 166, 255), Color(64, 18, 128, 255), Color(43, 15, 110, 255)] # purple ] METALS = [ [Color(225, 175, 0, 255), Color(209, 150, 0, 255), Color(184, 113, 0, 255)], # yellow [Color(255, 255, 255, 255), Color(227, 227, 227, 255), Color(196, 196, 196, 255)], # white ] CHARGE_SIZES = [ Vector(3, 3) ] PROTOTYPES = [ "bottom_s", "bottom_w", "cantonlarge", "cantonsmall", "chieftri_s", "chieftri_w", "diagonal", "horizontal_s", "horizontal_w", "side", "top_s", "top_w", "vertical" ] def read_tinctures_from_file(filename: str) -> List[ColorShades]: image = imageHandling.image_from_file(filename) result = [] for y in range(image.height): result.append(ColorShades(image.get(0, y), image.get(1, y), image.get(2, y))) return result def read_charge_sizes_from_file(directory: str) -> List[Vector]: result = [] for filename in os.listdir(os.path.abspath(directory)): match = re.match("([0-9]+)x([0-9]+).png", filename) if match: result.append(Vector(int(, int( return result def random_shield_data_from_file(filename: str) -> ShieldData: image = imageHandling.image_from_file(filename) offset_x = int(random.random() * image.width / CREST_WIDTH) * CREST_WIDTH color = image.cut_out(offset_x, 0, CREST_WIDTH, CREST_HEIGHT) shade = image.cut_out(offset_x, CREST_HEIGHT, CREST_WIDTH, CREST_HEIGHT) charge = image.cut_out(offset_x, 2 * CREST_HEIGHT, CREST_WIDTH, CREST_HEIGHT) return ShieldData(color, shade, charge) def random_charge_data_from_file(filename: str, charge_width: int, charge_height) -> ChargeData: image = imageHandling.image_from_file(filename) offset_x = int(random.random() * image.width / charge_width) * charge_width color = image.cut_out(offset_x, 0, charge_width, charge_height) shade = image.cut_out(offset_x, charge_height, charge_width, charge_height) return ChargeData(color, shade) def find_charge_spaces(charge_data: Image) -> List[ChargeSpaceData]: result = [] for y in range(1, charge_data.height): for x in range(1, charge_data.width): if ((not charge_data.get(x, y).is_transparent()) and charge_data.get(x - 1, y).is_transparent() and charge_data.get(x, y - 1).is_transparent()): end = find_charge_space_end(charge_data, Vector(x, y)) result.append(ChargeSpaceData(Vector(x, y), end, charge_data.get(x, y))) return result def find_charge_space_end(charge_data: Image, start: Vector) -> Vector: result_x = result_y = 0 base_color = charge_data.get(start.x, start.y) for x in range(start.x + 1, charge_data.width): if charge_data.get(x, start.y) != base_color: result_x = x - 1 break for y in range(start.y + 1, charge_data.height): if charge_data.get(start.x, y) != base_color: result_y = y - 1 break return Vector(result_x, result_y) def combine_colors(a: Color, b: Color) -> Color: if b.is_transparent(): return a return b def random_color_set(): if random.random() > 0.5: a = random.sample(COLORS, 2) b = random.sample(METALS, 2) else: a = random.sample(METALS, 2) b = random.sample(COLORS, 2) return a[0], b[0], a[1], b[1] def calculate_color(color_set: ColorSet, color_data: Color, alt_color: [bool, bool]) -> ColorShades: if color_data.is_red() and not color_data.is_transparent(): return color_set[0] if color_data.is_blue() and not color_data.is_transparent(): return color_set[1] if color_data.is_magenta() and not color_data.is_transparent(): if alt_color[0]: return color_set[2] else: return color_set[0] if color_data.is_cyan() and not color_data.is_transparent(): if alt_color[1]: return color_set[3] else: return color_set[1] raise ValueError('unknown color code') def get_color_from_shade(color_shades: ColorShades, shade_data: Color) -> Color: if shade_data.is_white() and not shade_data.is_transparent(): return color_shades.light if shade_data.is_gray() and not shade_data.is_transparent(): return color_shades.medium if shade_data.is_black() and not shade_data.is_transparent(): return color_shades.dark return Color.magenta() def random_shield() -> Image: prototype = random.choice(PROTOTYPES) file_a = os.path.abspath("image/prototypes/" + prototype + "_a.png") file_b = os.path.abspath("image/prototypes/" + prototype + "_b.png") color_set = random_color_set() part_a = random_shield_data_from_file(file_a) part_b = random_shield_data_from_file(file_b) image = ShadeableImage(CREST_WIDTH, CREST_HEIGHT) paint_part_to_image(image, part_a, color_set) paint_part_to_image(image, part_b, list(reversed(color_set))) return image.to_image() def paint_part_to_image(image: ShadeableImage, data: ShieldData, color_set: ColorSet): alt_color = [random.random() > 0.5, random.random() > 0.5] for x in range(CREST_WIDTH): for y in range(CREST_HEIGHT): color_data = data.color.get(x, y) shade_data = data.shade.get(x, y) if color_data.is_transparent(): continue color_shades = calculate_color(color_set, color_data, alt_color) image.set(x, y, ShadedColor(color_shades, shade_data, False)) # add charge charge_spaces = find_charge_spaces(data.charge) charge_space_dictionary = {} charge_dictionary = {} for charge_space in charge_spaces: adjusted_charge_spaces = adjust_charge_space(charge_space, charge_space_dictionary) alt_color = [random.random() > 0.5, random.random() > 0.5] for adjusted_charge_space in adjusted_charge_spaces: add_charge_to_image(adjusted_charge_space, charge_dictionary, image, color_set, alt_color, data) def adjust_charge_space(charge_space: ChargeSpaceData, charge_space_dictionary: Dict[Any, ChargeSpaceData]) -> List[ChargeSpaceData]: rnd = random.random() * 255 if rnd > charge_space.color.a: return [] charge_space_width = charge_space.end.x - charge_space.start.x + 1 charge_space_height = charge_space.end.y - charge_space.start.y + 1 charge_space_dictionary_key = (charge_space_width, charge_space_height, charge_space.color) # select charge space combination if charge_space_dictionary_key in charge_space_dictionary: adjusted_charge_spaces = charge_space_dictionary[charge_space_dictionary_key] else: adjusted_charge_spaces_list = convert_charge_space(charge_space) if len(adjusted_charge_spaces_list) == 0: return [] adjusted_charge_spaces = random.choice(adjusted_charge_spaces_list) charge_space_dictionary[charge_space_dictionary_key] = adjusted_charge_spaces return adjusted_charge_spaces def add_charge_to_image(charge_space: ChargeSpaceData, charge_dictionary: Dict[Any, ChargeData], image: ShadeableImage, color_set: ColorSet, alt_color: (bool, bool), data: ShieldData) -> None: charge_space_width = charge_space.end.x - charge_space.start.x + 1 charge_space_height = charge_space.end.y - charge_space.start.y + 1 charge_dictionary_key = (charge_space_width, charge_space_height, charge_space.color) if charge_dictionary_key in charge_dictionary: charge_data = charge_dictionary[charge_dictionary_key] else: charge_data = get_charge_for_size(charge_space_width, charge_space_height) charge_dictionary[charge_dictionary_key] = charge_data for x in range(charge_data.color.width): for y in range(charge_data.color.height): image_x = charge_space.start.x + x image_y = charge_space.start.y + y shade = combine_shade_code(data.shade.get(image_x, image_y), charge_data.shade.get(x, y)) if charge_data.color.get(x, y).is_white(): color = image.get(image_x, image_y).color_shades else: color = calculate_color(color_set, charge_space.color, alt_color) shaded_color = ShadedColor(color, shade, False) image.set(image_x, image_y, shaded_color) def combine_shade_code(a: Color, b: Color) -> Color: if a == or b == return elif a == b == Color.gray(): return elif a == Color.gray() or b == Color.gray(): return Color.gray() else: return Color.white() def convert_charge_space(original: ChargeSpaceData) -> List[List[ChargeSpaceData]]: result = [] for charge_size in CHARGE_SIZES: original_size, difference, factor = calculate_charge_space_split_data(original, charge_size) # sort out larger charges if charge_size.x > original_size.x or charge_size.y > original_size.y: continue # add same size charge if charge_size.x == original_size.x and charge_size.y == original_size.y: result.append([original]) continue # add smaller single charge difference = Vector(original_size.x - charge_size.x, original_size.y - charge_size.y) if difference.x % 2 == 0: new_start = Vector(original.start.x + difference.x // 2, original.start.y + difference.y // 2) new_end = Vector(new_start.x + charge_size.x - 1, new_start.y + charge_size.y - 1) result.append([ChargeSpaceData(new_start, new_end, original.color)]) # add multiple for combination in get_horizontal_line_charges(original, charge_size): result.append(combination) for combination in get_vertical_line_charges(original, charge_size): result.append(combination) for combination in get_large_combination_charges(original, charge_size): result.append(combination) return result def get_horizontal_line_charges(original: ChargeSpaceData, charge_size: Vector) -> List[List[ChargeSpaceData]]: result = [] original_size, difference, factor = calculate_charge_space_split_data(original, charge_size) if factor.x <= 1: return result new_start_y = original.start.y + difference.y // 2 for i in range(2, factor.x + 1): rest = original_size.x - charge_size.x * i if rest % (i - 1) != 0 or rest < i - 1: continue gutter = rest // (i - 1) new_charge_space_set = [] for j in range(i): new_start = Vector(original.start.x + j * (gutter + charge_size.x), new_start_y) new_end = Vector(new_start.x + charge_size.x - 1, new_start.y + charge_size.y - 1) new_charge_space_set.append(ChargeSpaceData(new_start, new_end, original.color)) result.append(new_charge_space_set) return result def get_vertical_line_charges(original: ChargeSpaceData, charge_size: Vector) -> List[List[ChargeSpaceData]]: result = [] original_size, difference, factor = calculate_charge_space_split_data(original, charge_size) if factor.y <= 1 or difference.x % 2 != 0: return result new_start_x = original.start.x + difference.x // 2 for i in range(2, factor.y + 1): rest = original_size.y - charge_size.y * i if rest < i - 1: continue gutter = rest // (i - 1) new_charge_space_set = [] for j in range(i): new_start = Vector(new_start_x, original.start.y + j * (gutter + charge_size.y)) new_end = Vector(new_start.x + charge_size.x - 1, new_start.y + charge_size.y - 1) new_charge_space_set.append(ChargeSpaceData(new_start, new_end, original.color)) result.append(new_charge_space_set) return result def get_large_combination_charges(original: ChargeSpaceData, charge_size: Vector) -> List[List[ChargeSpaceData]]: result = [] original_size, difference, factor = calculate_charge_space_split_data(original, charge_size) if original_size.x <= charge_size.x * 2 or original_size.y <= charge_size.y * 2: return result start_00 = original.start end_00 = Vector(start_00.x + charge_size.x - 1, start_00.y + charge_size.y - 1) start_11 = Vector(original.end.x - charge_size.x + 1, original.end.y - charge_size.y + 1) end_11 = Vector(start_11.x + charge_size.x - 1, start_11.y + charge_size.y - 1) start_01 = Vector(start_00.x, start_11.y) end_01 = Vector(end_00.x, end_11.y) start_10 = Vector(start_11.x, start_00.y) end_10 = Vector(end_11.x, end_00.y) result.append([ ChargeSpaceData(start_00, end_00, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_01, end_01, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_10, end_10, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_11, end_11, original.color) ]) result.append([ ChargeSpaceData(start_00, end_00, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_11, end_11, original.color) ]) result.append([ ChargeSpaceData(start_01, end_01, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_10, end_10, original.color) ]) # add with middle charge if possible if difference.x % 2 != 0 or (factor.x <= 2 and factor.y <= 2): return result start_middle = Vector(original.start.x + difference.x // 2, original.start.y + difference.y // 2) end_middle = Vector(start_middle.x + charge_size.x - 1, start_middle.y + charge_size.y - 1) result.append([ ChargeSpaceData(start_00, end_00, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_01, end_01, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_10, end_10, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_11, end_11, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_middle, end_middle, original.color) ]) result.append([ ChargeSpaceData(start_00, end_00, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_11, end_11, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_middle, end_middle, original.color) ]) result.append([ ChargeSpaceData(start_01, end_01, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_10, end_10, original.color), ChargeSpaceData(start_middle, end_middle, original.color) ]) return result def calculate_charge_space_split_data(original: ChargeSpaceData, charge_size: Vector) -> [Vector, Vector, Vector]: original_size = Vector(original.end.x - original.start.x + 1, original.end.y - original.start.y + 1) difference = Vector(original_size.x - charge_size.x, original_size.y - charge_size.y) factor = Vector(original_size.x // charge_size.x, original_size.y // charge_size.y) return original_size, difference, factor def get_charge_for_size(width: int, height: int) -> ChargeData: filename = "image/charges/%sx%s.png" % (width, height) if os.path.isfile(filename): return random_charge_data_from_file(filename, width, height) else: return ChargeData(Image(width, height).fill(Color.white()), Image(width, height).fill(Color.white())) def random_shield_plate(width: int, height: int) -> Image: image = Image(width * CREST_WIDTH, height * CREST_HEIGHT) shield_sum = width * height shield_counter = 0 for x in range(0, image.width, CREST_WIDTH): for y in range(0, image.height, CREST_HEIGHT): shield_counter += 1 print("generate shield %s of %s" % (shield_counter, shield_sum)) image.set_range(x, y, random_shield()) return image COLORS = read_tinctures_from_file("image/tinctures/colors.png") METALS = read_tinctures_from_file("image/tinctures/metals.png") CHARGE_SIZES = read_charge_sizes_from_file("image/charges") imageHandling.write_image_to_file("test.png", random_shield_plate(20, 10)) # for i in range(20): imageHandling.write_image_to_file("proceduralHeraldry_%02d.png" % i, random_shield_plate(100, 50))